Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

Around of Rembang

Diposting oleh Unknown di 16.59 0 komentar
Hi all,,………….
Did You ever go to special places in your city?
OK no problem, read my article carefully!!!

      Do you know ???now,, I have been living at a city in Indonesia country. It’s Rembang city.Rembang is a city at centre java island. At north part of Rembang is north sea of java. It makes Rembang more beautiful. Because it has been beautiful view used for object tour in Rembang. Beside it,, Rembang has been many beauty nature and never founded at other city. Rembang is located at east of Pati city. And Rembang is bordered of Tuban city in east part.
Rembang is big city, but not too big.

    Do you want to visit beautiful places in Rembang??
Oke, Rembang has many beautiful places. Now, if you from centre street at west part in Rembang you must straight on to east street. You must find writing “DAMPO AWANG BEACH”. Yes,, it’s one of object tour at Rembang. Many peoples have free time, they go to there. Dampo awang beach likes beach view that very wonderful. You only paying Rp5000 for enter ticket. it’s enough cheap.

    You can see beauty sea that very wonderful there, You can spend you free time together your family or your special people in your life. There, many plays for every age, from kids until teenager. There is out bone for kids. It’s very funny ,but it makes your Childs increasing it courage. There are 3 dimension film to increasing adrenalin together your loved family or best friends. There is small zoo with enough attractive animals like as kid of buffalo that has only 3leg and there are cobra snake with big size, one owl, monkeys, turtles, crocodiles, hmm and others.

    Do you have hobby to swimming??
Ok don’t worry,!!!
Dampo awang beach is also has swimming place. Yes, you can do your hobby there. Oh,, if you visit in here, you must find most of teenagers with each couples. Teenagers liker go there. yes, maybe it is caused this places very romantic and have beauty nature that never found in other places. Especially, for holiday time Dampo awang is very crowded. It has be culture, every Idul fitri(Kupatan) or special day is very very crowded. Peoples come for other city like as pati, blora, tuban ect…
So, let’s ask your special friend or your friends or your family to visit Dampo Awang beach in Rembang city. now ok,!!!

    Not only that , Rembang has other wonderful places..
Raden Ajeng Kartini… yes, she is Super women hero in Indonesia. Are you really Indonesian people ??
Come soon!!!
Raden Ajeng Kartini grave located at Bulu district. OK, I will give you direction way to find this village. Now you from Dampo awang beach so you must go straight on  to south way. You can ask to peoples kartini grape on the way!!it’s very easier.
Do You want to buy something there?? Dont worry,, There is some furniture seller and small food.
    do You need camping area? Don’t worry in Rembang also has camping area. It’s located at sulang. it’s usually used to camping area. It’s very comfortable for your camping activity.
So,, come on soon!
i will wait you ..
you can visit in my home too..:D

Senin, 18 Juni 2012

Bambang's BoardingHouse

Diposting oleh Unknown di 01.32 2 komentar
Nah ini dia tampilan depan kos aku,, saat aku foto dengan teman kuliah aku namanya rina...ckcikciki Duch jadi malu. Depan kosku begitu nyaman,, adem bngets sampai sampai setiap ada teman aku yang maen kekos bilang "gile adem banget nie kos".. emang sih adem bnget coz didepan kos ku bnyak tanamannya sih...

kalau yang foto ini nie,, foto rina
temen gue yang numpang ngiyup aliyas ngadem dikos gue... xixixiix
lucu ya fotonya. aku ambil diam-diam loch... jadi kalau ketahuan berabe... hohoho

Nah kalau yang ini nie,, foto depan kos gue . Gersang yah,, seperti area persawahan.Tapi sekarang sudah dibangun kos an baru. jadi agak ramei. Mudah-mudahan tahun depan dibngun warung atau alfamart.. kan aseekk tuch...hohoho
Oh iya ,,, perkenalkan ini dua orang temen lamaku. Namanya Ima dan Eka. tapi sekarang uda pindah kekosan laen. sayang banget..

Oh ya saya punya album penghuni kosku loch,, mau leat gak??
Nie dia,, dari yang paling depan yah... sebelah kanan ada mbk evi masih bertahan sampai sekarang , aku, ima (sudah pindah), mbk faiz(sudah pindah), mbk fitroh(masih bertahan). Terus yang belakangnya mulai samping kiri ada mbk indah(pindah), mbk mey yang paling religius nie dan lemah lembut dikosan ku... dia masih bertahan,, tyus mbk tri (pindah) dan eka (sudah pindah) , niroh(pindah).
 Ini saat sapamaba ... disamping kos aku tepatnya dijalan belakang menuju kos aku. Saat itu kita merencanakan berangkat sapamaba bareng, terus dilanjutkan sesi poto2... kenangan bnget,,:(  coz sekarang uda tidak satu kos lagi.
 kalau ini jalan gang masuk menuju kekos aku,, nanti setelah kamu melewati smp n 3 bae,, pasti kamu akan menjumpai gang masuk. nah itu dia... biasanya jalan ini kami pergunakan juga buat jogging bersama... hehe
 kalau ini,, saya sama miss pitroh,, dan inilah tampilan belakang kos aku... tetep ada tanaman yang menghiasii... mungkin bukos aku suka penghijauhan kalee ya..hohohohoho

saat itu qt belom mandy loch,,, let dech aku msih pakai baju tidur... tapi tetep narcis jja nie aku. jadi malu...:D
 nIE juga tampilan belakang kos aku,, akibat poto ini nie miss pitroh jadi dicap detektif,, aku jg kurang tw knp sebabnya. apa karna gayanya yg memegang sendok seprti orang serius gtu dianggap detektif ya... haaaa
 saat saat seprti inilah kumpul bersama teman depan kamar aku... wah asek bnget...hohohoh
aku yang pkai abu2.... cantik yah>>??? GR bngets.
 Nie anggota kos baru aku,, yang pkai abu2 namanya hida, dan putih bernama nunung. aku yang pakai kuning,,..

 Leat lagi tampilan depan kos ku lagi yah.....
dan bagi teman2 yang mau kenal dan mau coba kos disini datang berkunjung jja kesini untuk leat2...tepatnya kos belakang kampus umk kudus namanya kosnya pak bambang.
pasti kami akan sambut dengan gembira bngets.
perbulannya cuma 110.000 jja kok.. murah kan??
semoga bermanfaat!!!

info lebih lanjut hubungi fb. Asiyahlight@yahoo.co.id/masuk jja ke group BambanG's BoardingHouse digrup fb...


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